Ellen is one of my coaching clients, this is my conversation with her after 3 weeks.
Author: Sam
A Really Simple Hack To Recover Faster After Exercise
Your Environment IS your Health
Eat More To Lose More…Honestly!
4 Steps to Get Rid of a Candida Overgrowth
Rocket Fuel, Lucy “The Legs” and the Secrets to Lasting Health and Fitness
Breathe Right, Live Better: How Correct Breathing Elevates Your Health and Energy
You can go: For months without food, A week without sleep, Days without water, Minutes without oxygen. So it stands to reason, the most critical thing we can do to optimise our health is to ensure we are breathing properly. You’re going to take a lot of breaths in your life…you need to do it right. There’s a right way to breathe?? I hear you ask… Absolutely.