What Would You Do With Your Life If You Felt 5, 10, 20 Years Younger?

Take Up A New Sport, Go On Crazy Adventures, Do EVERYTHING On Your Bucket List?

Health & Fitness Coaching For Those Who Want To Lead An Active Life…For Life.

A lIfe less ordinary starts with a body less ordinary.
A body which moves without aches or pain.
A body which is full of energy.
A body which can take you through all the adventures you can dream of.

I’ll get you there.

Build a lifestyle of health and fitness which lasts

20 years experience on the frontline of health & fitness

Uncommon sense leads to exceptional results

Hi I’m Sam Guest.

My first life was dedicated to running an extreme sports company in Southern Spain. It’s crash is what brought me to my second life here at Re-Ignite.

Always interested in health & fitness, I found out just how crucial it is when I lost mine. 

Sofa bound, in constant pain, piling on the pounds, zero energy, no lust for life and a rapidly failing business made me realise that without a body which works, nothing…and I mean NOTHING…is important anymore. 

Lying there on the sofa one day, watching the dream life I had bled and sweat for fall apart around me, wondering if this was all I had to look forward to, something snapped…

This would not be my epitaph. I drew my line in the sand….

This website is where I share everything I learned.

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