Lose 10lbs in 6 Weeks Without EVER Going Hungry, or Spending Hours on a Treadmill
And If You Don’t Lose The Weight You Don’t Pay.
✅ lose at least 10lbs in body fat (without EVER going hungry)
✅ Move Without ANY Pain, Improve Flexibility & Massively reduce your chances of future injury
✅ Improve Resting Heart Rate & Heart Rate Variability (without spending hours on a treadmill)
✅ Lower stress and improve mental health
✅ Get to know your cohort through social events and group accountability sessions

90% of all dieters regain all the weight they’ve lost in 5 years.
This isn’t anything new to you, you’ve probably experienced or seen this in those around you.
All the signs have been pointing towards a new way of approaching weight loss for a while now.
“If health isn’t long term, it isn’t health” Joel Greene.
But before I waste anymore of your time with my gloomy statistics let’s see if you should continue reading.
If you do not relate to one of the bullet points below, you’re free to leave the page:
- You’ve tried dieting before but always end up putting all the weight you’ve lost back on again (often with interest)
- You’re confused about what you should be eating and are fed up of conflicting diet advice
- You know exactly what to eat but you struggle to stick to the plan
- You’ve never lost weight before but want a plan which works in the real world where you have a job and often just don’t have time to prepare fancy meals.
I could go on, but by now you should know whether learning how to eat better, to lose weight and actually enjoy it is for you.
The Greatest Lie
Nothing Will Work In Weight Loss Until You Understand This.
But Once You Do, Losing Weight Is Easy.

Hey I’m Sam.
My first life was dedicated to running an extreme sports company in Southern Spain.
It’s crash is what brought me to my second life here at Re-Ignite.
Always interested in Health and Fitness, I found out just how crucial it is when I lost mine.
Sofa bound, piling on the pounds, zero energy, no lust for life and a rapidly failing business made me realise that without a body which works, nothing…and I mean NOTHING...else is important any more.
Lying there on the sofa one day, watching the dream life I had bled and sweat to build falling apart around me, wondering if this was all I had to look forward to, something snapped…
This would not be my epitaph.
I drew my line in the sand.
This is where I share everything I learned…

Hey I’m Hannah
With over a decade of medical research experience, a PhD in medicine, and certification as an FRC Mobility Specialist, Hannah is uniquely equipped to bring a cutting-edge, science-driven approach to your training.
Here’s what Hannah will bring to your fitness journey:
- Science-Driven Coaching: With her expertise in scientific studies, Hannah will ensure every element of your program is backed by the latest research and tailored to your needs.
- Data-Driven Optimisation: Hannah will analyse data from your training sessions and wearables to gain deeper insights into your performance, recovery, and progress. We will use this information to fine-tune your program for maximum results.
- You’ll work directly with Hannah in classes and coaching sessions, where her passion for blending science with practical, effective training will help you achieve breakthroughs.
Hannah’s innovative approach combines cutting-edge research, data insights, and personalised coaching to take your fitness journey to the next level. With her on board, you’ll experience a new level of precision and progress in your training.
We Started Out Like Everyone Else…
We had no idea what to eat to keep the weight off, how to stay healthy in a world of conflicting advice or how to avoid the fate of everyone we saw around us getting old and fat way before their time.
From this failure we learned 3 things
1 . Weight Loss Is A Skill:
If you turned up at a horse riding lesson and your instructor handed you the reins, pointed at the horse and told you to, “knock yourself out” I doubt you’d be that impressed.
But that’s what we do in the weight loss world all the time.
We hand you a few recipes, tell you to use willpower, pat you on the back and then when you fail say it’s all a question of discipline and priorities..
What we all have to realise is, weight loss is a skill. And just like riding a horse takes a long time to learn so does learning how to lose weight for yourself.
Willpower is also BS…and heres why…
Hold your breath until you pass out…
Can’t do it?
Neither can either of us…
Why? Because breathing is a survival mechanism. Guess what…
So is eating…so hoping willpower will be enough to get you through is sheer madness
2. Being able to fuel your body is the only thing which is actually important.
One thing has become clear to us over the last 20 years. Food has more power to drive health outcomes than anything else.
This is self evident when you break it down.
- What else do you do 3 times a day (often more)?
- What else actually goes on to create the very cells you are made from?
- What else do we directly put inside of our bodies? (mind out of the gutter please!)?
You’re going to be eating 3 times a day for the rest of your life…you have a choice.
You can do it right or you can do it wrong.
The way you choose to answer that questions will hove a bigger impact on the outcome of your life than any other decision you make…ever.
Choose wisely.
Simply put bad diet will cause you to become:
- Obese
- Diabetic
- Less active
- Less confident
- Mentally slower
- Less motivated
- Less energetic
- It’ll also lower libido and sexual function
We could go on, but think by now you get it.
The most important variable in the success of your life is you. And if you don’t fuel yourself right your outcomes are guaranteed to be suboptimal.
This is a universal truth, you can’t put contaminated, dirty diesel into a formula 1 car and expect it to do well.
3. Health Isn’t Health Unless It’s Long Term.
The fact of the matter is, it’s actually really easy to lose weight.
Now we’re not trying to be flippant or patronising here, we know the actual struggle of losing weight is anything but easy, but the principles of losing weight are very simple and you understand them to some degree.
At its most basic level, if you wanted to lose weight quickly you could just stop eating for a week.
You would lose weight guaranteed.
This is not a smart thing to do.
Because you’d put all the weight back on again with interest.
The really hard part about losing weight is keeping the damn weight off.
How It Works
99% of weight loss courses have it backwards.
You shouldn’t be counting calories, points or macros, going hungry or spending hours in the gym.
How can we make this claim?
Because most weight loss programs are built on very shaky foundations.
Calorie counting works in a lab but as soon as it hits the real world, it fails miserably. This has lead to dieting being seen as a hardship as you quite literally have to starve yourself, resulting in being tired and grumpy all the time AND all the effects of yo yo dieting.
Cardio was seen as the answer to all your weight loss woes. Pound out the hours on a treadmill and you’ll lose the weight. Again this works great in a lab but often steady state cardio can cause you to GAIN weight in the real world…WTF?
In building this program we’ve deeply researched the science and pulled apart what is demonstrably true for all people across all spectrums of life and what is marketing BS.
We’ve then refined it on ourselves and hundreds of in person clients.
The jury is in…if you’re still counting calories points or macros, or spending hours sweating in a gym you’re living in the dark ages when it comes to weight loss.
So what do we instead?
We focus on eating highly nutrient dense, delicious food.
Your body is storing fat as insurance against future environmental emergencies (famine or an ice age…it doesn’t know they are a thing of the past!). When your body is fed a nutrient dense diet it believes it is living in a land of plenty where it doesn’t need this insurance policy anymore so it sheds the weight naturally.
We focus on all the other lifestyle aspects which contribute to weight loss.
Sleep, digestion, stress levels…these all play a massive part in whether your body will give up its precious reserves of fat or not.
We focus on building health rather than exclusively obsessing over weight loss.
Weight loss should be a natural consequence of great health. Many programs focus on losing weight at the expense of health (every diet where Diet Coke is actually seen as a good thing, I’m looking at you).
We focus on long term weight loss and keeping it off for life.
The body is actually programmed to put fat back on after a period of weight loss. We build in strategies to actively combat this so once you’ve released the weight it stays off.
What’s Inside?
From Where You Are Now To 10lbs Lighter In 4 Weeks.
A Practical, Science Based Approach
Here’s everything you’ll receive when you enroll in the 6 week program.
1. How To Get Your Bugs To Lose The Weight For You
Your microbiome sits at the heart of weight loss. You have more bugs than human cells in the body and If you can cultivate the correct bugs they will burn the fat for you. If you have the wrong ones I don’t care what you eat you’ll never lose weight.
You need to learn how to cultivate the correct gut biome so they do the heavy lifting for you when it comes to weight loss.
- Learn what foods they eat and how to keep them happy so the right populations grow.
- Learn what the bad bugs love and how to ensure they never get the chance to reproduce.
- Understand how to mitigate the effects of bad foods on your microbiome so you can still enjoy the foods you love.
By The End Of The Course
You’ll be able to feed your good bugs whilst getting rid of your bad bugs and make your microbiome start losing weight for you.
2. Eat Whatever You Want And Still Lose Weight
We all have that friend, the one who can eat anything and stays thin whatever.
Chances are they are unconsciously practicing what you will learn.
There are certain ways of combining foods that mean that even if you were to eat pizza and ice cream, when you got on the scales the next day they haven’t shifted up and may even have moved down.
By The End Of The Course
You’ll learn the cheat codes which mean you can still go out for meals, have nights out with friends, have that dessert…and still lose weight.
3. Effective Exercise
This is my secret.
Since I was a kid I’ve been told if I want to lose weight, just hit the treadmill.
What we are now finding is that this can often make it HARDER to lose weight. There is a way to do this correctly, so cardio exercise torches fat, but 99% of people are doing it in a way which makes it impossible to lose fat.
By The End Of The Course
You’ll learn to supercharge cardio so you can burn more fat in less time, every time in a way which supports your fat loss rather than hinders it.
Jeannette Carati
Denise Oerlemanns
Ellen Gozeling

John Moss

10 kilos in 6 weeks, feeling great and I’ve managed to still live a normal life, this is something different.
Catherine Jane
Paige Moore
Is There A Guarantee?
If you don’t hit your goal in the time frame I’ll give you your money back, no questions, no hassle…that’s how confident I am.
One of the guiding principles of this program is that weight loss should be a natural consequence of good health, and that health isn’t good unless it’s long term good health.
Often losing weight is actually quite easy, but most programs get the weight off at the cost of your health. We build healthy eating patterns from day 1 so there’s no weird shakes, bars or pills to take. Just good clean food.
One of the biggest problems with traditional dieting is that you are starving half of the time. On our program one of the first rules is: “You must NEVER be hungry”.
Look, if you’re starving yourself on a calorie controlled diet you’re signalling to your body that food is scarce, that winter or even worse an ice age is coming. The bodies response to this is to actually attempt to hold on to fat and put more on as quickly as it can, as an insurance policy against the perceived upcoming ice age. It knows its best chance of survival in a famine is to have plenty of stores of fat.
If instead you were to eat lots of highly nutritious food your body suddenly thinks it’s living in a land of plenty. A land where it doesn’t require excess fat as an insurance policy against a perceived upcoming ice age. As a result it starts to ditch the fat naturally. This is a totally different approach to losing fat and one that all of our clients love!
Hold your breath until you pass out…can’t do it? No neither can I, why? Because breathing is a survival mechanism. Guess what…so is eating and so if you’re starving and someone places a muffin in front of you, you WILL eat it.. We understand that and build in systems from day 1 to help you counteract it.
The real trick isn’t getting the weight off, it’s keeping it off. This is where this program shines. We want you to be still at your target weight in 5 years time and so have built in special protocols to address this issue head on.
One of the main reasons most programs like this don’t work is they require you to invest lots of time. This works great when you have the time, but for all of us, at some point, as life piles on the pressure around us, time goes to zero. Inevitably when it does the first things to go down the drain are your workout, your healthy eating habits and as a result – your waistline.
This program is built from the ground up with this in mind, so we’ll be giving you specific strategies to not just survive these times but to throve, so when time goes to zero you can keep on burning fat, meaning you stay in shape long term.
6 week challenge includes the following:
✅ 1 Hour In Person Session Each Week: In person and perfectly adjusted to your needs and goals. Focussing on weight loss, building cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and endurance.
✅ Half Day Kickstart Your Health In Person Experience: Over the course of a morning we’ll talk your through the program, answer your questions whilst you get to meet your fellow cohort members.
✅ Live Online Coaching & Accountability Session Every Week With Us: Where we check on your progress, update your program and answer any questions you have to ensure you’re guaranteed to succeed.
✅ 2 Expert Coaches For The Price Of 1.
✅ Your Own Personalised Program: so you know what to do if you want to work out on your own. Built by us and perfectly adjusted to your needs so you never go too fast, plateau or risk injury.
✅ 24/7 Access to us via DM: Got a question any time, day or night? Drop is a DM and we’ll get back to you within hours so you know exactly what to do, all the time.
✅ The “Lose 10lbs in 6 weeks without every going hungry or spending hours on a treadmill package.”
Which includes:
- Foolproof Bargain Food Shopping System: That’ll save hundreds of pounds a month on your food and take less time than your current shopping routine.
- Personalised Meal Plan: which is delicious and normal enough that the rest of the family will be happy to eat it.
- Personal Grocery List: So you don’t have to think at the supermarket
- Weekly Check-ins: With your accountability coach to make sure you stay on track
- Meal Guidance: Send me a picture of your meals and I’ll tell you how you could improve
- Meal Tracker: Track all your macros and calories with our in app meal tracker
- Substitutions and flexible options: within the diet so if you don’t like a certain food there are plenty of other things you can eat in its place
✅ Ready In 5 Min Busy Parent Cooking Guide: How anyone can eat healthy even if they have no time.
✅ The Ultimate “Tone Up Whilst You Travel” Eating & Workout Blueprint: For getting amazing workouts in, with no equipment so you don’t feel guilty whilst you’re away enjoying yourself.
✅ The “How To Eat Pizza & Ice Cream And Still Lose Weight” Eating Program: So you can still splurge without your waist line paying the price.
✅ The “Live It Up Whilst Slimming Down” Eating Out System: Gives you the freedom to eat out and live life without feeling like the “odd man out.”
✅ Functional Movement Package: Move more efficiently, without ANY pain. Improve flexibility, reduce your chance of injury and correct bad posture, so you can keep on keeping on for life.
✅ The “Never Fall Off” Accountability System. The unbeatable system which works without your permission (it’s even gotten people who hate exercise to look forward to showing up)
✅ Monthly Social Events: With the others going through the program. These will cover a whole host of things, but will be active and a lot of fun whilst providing a community to support and guide you.
✅ Programs Which Evolve With You: Give us your feedback on the meal plans and programs we’ve written for you and we’ll update them for you each week.
✅ Progress Tracking: Track your progress, workout, habit and nutrition tracking and then let us give you actionable insights from that data. Links to your wearable devices.
✅ Personalised, science based, data driven approach to your health: No woo woo advice, we’ll be giving you the science behind why we do what we do.
✅ Education and support based on cutting edge neuroscience to build new habits and make them stick
✅ Accountability Community: To help you connect, get support and get your questions answer and answer the questions of other going through the process.
To give you a little extra nudge if you sign up today you’ll get the following bonuses:
✅ The Library: To ensure mastery I’ve added a library of my best, carefully curated content which you can consume at your own pace. This is not a place where I dump every video I’ve ever made, only my best content makes it through the curation process so you don’t have to worry about overwhelm.
✅ On Demand Workouts: Feel like mixing your workout up? No problem. The platform has loads of On Demand Workouts (and I’m adding more all the time) you can access anytime.
✅ On Demand Workshops: Covering a huge range of topics. Including:
- The Facial Workout Plan: How to get higher cheekbones, less droopy eyes and a more defined jawline naturally.
- The Sweet Dreams Package: Sleep like a lion and have energy to burn all day.
- How To Boost Testosterone Naturally: In just 2 weeks
- Getting Rid Of Food Sensitivities: So you can eat the things you love again
✅ On Demand Protocols: These simple easy to implement protocols address the issues we come across most commonly. Some examples include:
- How To Deal With Stubborn Belly Fat: Getting rid of that fat which just wont shift
- Managing The Menopause: Balancing hormones and getting back to being you
- The Super Sleep Protocol: The best nights sleep you’ve EVER had
- Beating Balding: Get your hair back naturally
- Get Rid Of Cellulite: Naturally and without having to take any pills
- The Stress Buster Protocol: Easy simple, natural ways to defeat stress without having to meditate every day
Lose 10lbs in 6 weeks without ever going hungry or spending hours in the gym.
Price: £597