Week 1

This page is a summary of everything we’ve covered in Week 1.

So hopefully you found tracking your food really insightful this week, awesome job for those of you who’ve kept up with it. It’s a great habit to get into as we go on through the program and I want you to keep doing it.

I want to say a BIG well done, this first week is a bit weird. There’s also been a lot of info thrown at you as I need to get the basics across early to maximise your results. It all gets a lot easier and more normal from here!

Below are links to all the videos from this week in one place so if you missed any or need to catch up you can do.

Watch This First

Providing an overview of the science behind what we are doing and setting up the whole program.

This Weeks Supplements

All the recommended supplements from this week.

Supercharging Cardio for Fat Loss

Dispelling a lot of the myths around exercise and fat loss to ensure your workouts support your weight loss.

The Power of Offsetting

How to eat whatever you want and not gain weight…enough said, this ones a goody!