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2 Reasons Why The Odds Are Stacked Against You Ever Losing Weight

There are 2 major industries heavily invested in ensuring you fail to lose weight and certainly don’t want you to remain thin if you do manage it.

What are these 2 industries?

  • The Food Industry
  • The Pharmaceutical Industry

What’s The Biggest Problem The Food Industry Has?

That your appetite is finite and thus demand for their product has a finite limit defined by nature.

So they make food as nutritionally empty as possible, so it never fills you up. Whilst being as addictive as possible, so you never stop eating it. The slogan “Once you pop you can’t stop” is literally true.

Now many people don’t realise this but there is a HUGE amount of research which goes in to creating the food we eat. Most food these days is actually designed in a lab. Labs where scientists wire people up, stick a load of electrodes to their skull and then feed them their latest delicacy.

What they are looking for is a response in the brain as similar to that produced by heroin as possible.


Because heroin is one of the most addictive substances on the planet and they know if they can get close to that they’re on to a winner

What To Know Something Chilling…

They beat heroin years ago.

In a study done by Connecticut College they gave rats the choice of 2 food types, one was Morphine (which is what heroin becomes straight after injection) the other Oreos. The rats favoured the Oreos…every time!

And we are advertising this stuff to our children

The problem with all this scientifically designed, nutrient empty food apart from the fact you can’t stop eating it?

It’s Really Bad For You.

To make it as addictive as possible it’s often been manipulated by scientists to the point where it’s really not recognisable as food, (at least not for humans…perhaps for robots) and it does a lot of damage to your biology as you eat it. So over time, it makes you weak, fat and eventually really ill.

Ah ha, but don’t worry” say the Pharmaceutical companies at this point, “we’ve got just the thing for you. You just need to take this (hugely expensive) pill for the rest of your life.”

Which while it may cure your immediate problem (although often it really doesn’t) leads to a whole host of other problems down the line.

When you consider these are 2 of the largest industries in the world and realise the advertising budgets and the lobbying power they have, you can see why you’re up against it before you even start.

A Word To The Wise

It’s important to say, I genuinely don’t believe this has been done on purpose, this is not some big conspiracy. It’s just the market forces of supply and demand at work. I actually think the companies thought they were doing us a favour to begin with by coming up with treats which were more and more appetising. As with most things however no one looked too much into the consequences of these actions at the time.

This effectively meant that for the last 50 or so years the consumer has been playing the part of subject in a grand experiment, which we are now seeing the result of in the health crisis of the 21st century.

My hope is by reading this you’ll start to understand why it’s so hard to lose the weight and keep it off and open your eyes to some of the huge factors at play, factors which go way beyond willpower.

It’s also why losing weight HAS to be a long term lifestyle choice, not something you do for 3 months and then go back to how you were.

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