Lose 10lbs Of Fat In 6 Weeks


Measurable Results You Can Expect In 6 Weeks:

✅   lose at least 10lbs in body fat (without EVER going hungry)
✅   Move Without ANY Pain, Improve Flexibility & Massively reduce your chances of future injury
✅   Improve Resting Heart Rate & Heart Rate Variability (without spending hours on a treadmill)
✅   Lower stress and improve mental health
✅   Build New friendships

And as long as you put the work in, if any of these aren’t true in 6 weeks time, I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.

So the absolute worst that can happen is you get to workout for free!

6 week challenge includes the following:

✅   2 x One to One Live Sessions with Sam Each Week: In person, answering your questions, checking you’re on track and ensuring your program is perfectly adjusted to your needs and goals.

✅   Your Own Personalised Workout Program: so you know what to do if you want to work out on your own. Built by Sam and perfectly adjusted to your needs so you never go too fast, plateau or risk injury. Don’t worry this wont necessarily be a full gym workout program. If you’re into walking, fine that’s what we’ll do. Whatever your current level and exercises goals, Sam will meet you where you are

✅   24/7 Access to Sam via DM: Got a question any time, day or night? Drop me a DM and I’ll get back to you within hours so you know exactly what to do, all the time.

✅   The “Lose 10lbs in 6 weeks without every going hungry or spending hours on a treadmill package.”

Which includes:

  • Foolproof Bargain Food Shopping System: That’ll save hundreds of pounds a month on your food and take less time than your current shopping routine.
  • Personalised Meal Plan: which is delicious and normal enough that the rest of the family will be happy to eat it.
  • Personal Grocery List: So you don’t have to think at the supermarket
  • Weekly Check-ins: With your accountability coach to make sure you stay on track
  • Meal Guidance: Send me a picture of your meals and I’ll tell you how you could improve
  • Meal Tracker: Track all your macros and calories with our in app meal tracker

✅   Ready In 5 Min Busy Parent Cooking Guide: How anyone can eat healthy even if they have no time.

✅   The Ultimate “Tone Up Whilst You Travel” Eating & Workout Blueprint: For getting amazing workouts in, with no equipment so you don’t feel guilty whilst you’re away enjoying yourself.

✅   The “How To Eat Pizza & Ice Cream And Still Lose Weight” Eating Program: So you can still splurge without your waist line paying the price.

✅   The “Live It Up Whilst Slimming Down” Eating Out System: Gives you the freedom to eat out and live life without feeling like the “odd man out.”

✅   Functional Movement Package: Move more efficiently, without ANY pain. Improve flexibility, reduce your chance of injury and correct bad posture, so you can keep on keeping on for life.

✅   The “Never Fall Off” Accountability System. The unbeatable system which works without your permission (it’s even gotten people who hate exercise to look forward to showing up)

✅   Programs Which Evolve With You: Give me your feedback on the meal plans and programs I’ve written for you and I’ll update them for you each week.

✅   Progress Tracking: Track your progress, workout, habit and nutrition tracking. Links to your wearable devices.

✅   Accountability Community: To help you connect, get support and get your questions answer and answer the questions of other going through the process.

To give you a little extra nudge if you sign up today you’ll get the following bonuses:

✅   The Library: To ensure mastery I’ve added a library of my best, carefully curated content which you can consume at your own pace. This is not a place where I dump every video I’ve ever made, only my best content makes it through the curation process so you don’t have to worry about overwhelm.

✅   On Demand Workouts: Feel like mixing your workout up? No problem. The platform has loads of On Demand Workouts (and I’m adding more all the time) you can access anytime.

✅   On Demand Workshops: Covering a huge range of topics. Including:

  • The Facial Workout Plan: How to get higher cheekbones, less droopy eyes and a more defined jawline naturally.
  • The Sweet Dreams Package: Sleep like a lion and have energy to burn all day.
  • How To Boost Testosterone Naturally: In just 2 weeks
  • Getting Rid Of Food Sensitivities: So you can eat the things you love again

✅   On Demand Protocols: These simple easy to implement protocols address the issues we come across most commonly. Some examples include:

  • How To Deal With Stubborn Belly Fat: Getting rid of that fat which just wont shift
  • Managing The Menopause: Balancing hormones and getting back to being you
  • The Super Sleep Protocol: The best nights sleep you’ve EVER had
  • Beating Balding: Get your hair back naturally
  • Get Rid Of Cellulite: Naturally and without having to take any pills
  • The Stress Buster Protocol: Easy simple, natural ways to defeat stress without having to meditate every day

Normally: £597

Special Offer Only For The Month Of October, Just £367

And remember if you don’t lose the weight I’ll give you your money back. So the worst that can happen is you get a huge amount of amazing knowledge for free!

Backed By My Personal Guarantee

If you put the work in and don’t lose 10lbs in 6 weeks I’ll give you your money back, no questions, no hassle.

I do all the coaching myself, live and in person to ensure you get the very best results. However this means I can only take a small number of people at any one time, so places will sell out fast. If you click the button and are taken to the Sold Out page, just enter your details and I’ll notify you when a space becomes available.


Jean Caratti

Denise Oerlemans

Gayle Pennant

Paige Moore

Pete Bamford

Claudine Heanni

Jon Moss

Noel Yardley

Had booked tickets for the Scottish Open in 3 weeks but couldn’t walk more than a few hundred metres because of the pain and was about to cancel his trip.
This is the reply I got from him after the first day of the Open:

Yes! I got round 18 holes following Rory and without pain killers which is BIG. Thank you so much for your help in achieving this.


Live coaching, direct message access to Sam, your dedicated success plan, body metric tracking, link your wearables, track your progress, personalised nutrition plan, personalised workouts, education, community and more. All in your pocket, on our app.

How It Works


You sign up to the challenge

I build you a complete workout, nutrition, mobility and health program.

You follow the program and turn up to the sessions.

I coach and support you every step of the way.

You give me feedback.

I update your program based on your feedback.

Have patience (but only 6 weeks worth of patience)

You start leaving 18 year olds in your dust!

Hi I’m Sam Guest.

My first life was dedicated to running an extreme sports company in Southern Spain. It’s crash is what brought me to my second life here at Re-Ignite.

Always interested in health & fitness, I found out just how crucial it is when I lost mine. 

Sofa bound, in constant pain, piling on the pounds, zero energy, no lust for life and a rapidly failing business made me realise that without a body which works, nothing…and I mean NOTHING…is important anymore. 

Lying there on the sofa one day, watching the dream life I had bled and sweat for fall apart around me, wondering if this was all I had to look forward to, something snapped…

This would not be my epitaph. I drew my line in the sand….

This program encompasses everything I learned.